Slide 63:
Her lab results were not particularly exciting. She did have some
elevated coxackie titers, she had elevated CD4 cells, but any immunologist, any physician
could say, so theyre elevated - what does it mean? But she had NK cells 5.6%.
Other markers that I want to point out to those of you who are professionals out there
one of the peculiar things with these children is that many of them come into the
office with a very low elevation of SGOT. SGOT is one of our liver enzymes that you all
see me measuring and following. Now what is peculiar is that by putting these children on
an elimination diet, on an anti-fungal, instead of making those liver functions worse,
they actually turn back to being healthy. The way Ive come to understand that is
youre removing stress from the body. If your GI tract cannot work correctly, if you
have an overgrowth of yeast or candida, then you are stressing your liver, stressing your
body. So instead of making it worse by using an anti-fungal, the liver functions generally
get much healthier.
She also had a Ferritin of 34, which is close to normal. But many of
your children come in with Ferritins of 9, 10, 15, and with low iron you not only affect
brain development but also you affect appetite. She had the typical shift to the right on
the food screen.
Now, again, lets look at the time course of
this. I started working with her in November 1995. We went over her labs. I started her on
an anti-fungal, Diflucan. She actually seemed to be speaking better almost right away. We
started her on Prozac and she became more focused with better understanding. |