Slide 44:
This is a 7 year-old boy with autism. Again, you see the same thing
right through there. Those temporal lobes are shut down. This boy however, represents a
very important situation. When I attended the California Autism Societys meeting a
year ago, I listened to one of the keynote speakers explain how maybe the reason some of
your children were "idiot savants," very brilliant in a certain area, were
because they had too many neurons in their temporal lobe and somehow, someway that was
happening. OK, Id like to show you the difference of assumptions vs. looking at
reality. This child is an artistic genius. From the age of 18 months 2 years old he
could see something and draw it. He is absolutely amazing. Dr. Miller was able to show me
that back here in part of his occipital lobe you see these little white areas
theyre actually lit up and hot. He is over-processing in the part of his
brain that does that visually. Were not guessing that maybe the temporal lobe is
doing something strange. Its very obvious to people with the expertise like Dr.
Miller why this kid has such artistic talent. |