Slide 31:
Now, is there a change in autism? One of the first things that will get
thrown out there in academic challenges: ‘Well, who says there’s really more
autistic kids out there?’. The NIH is now quoting incidences of 15 or 20 per 10,000.
There are many reports of 40 to 70 per 10,000. And I will say bluntly, that if this
crosses over as it appears to be to the whole world of ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and
what we are looking at as Neuro-immune, the incidence may easily reach 1% to 3% of the
population, or more. I have had parents in my LA area tell me that their schools have 6%
of children coming in labeled as autistic/PDD.
Now one of the arguments: Is it easier to meet the criteria of PDD? Sure
it is because psychologists have basically put together a group of symptoms and say if you
don’t quite fit autism, we’ll call you PDD. But the truth is, and all you have
to do is think about it: these children were not missed before. They didn’t make it
through preschool and grammar school not being detected. So, the truth is they’re out
there. And they’re out there in large numbers.
The other unique thing about this group of children is they have in the
family histories, very often a history of miscarriages in mothers, infertility,
pre-eclampsia, bleeding during pregnancy. We now associate all of those with immune
disorders in women. |