Slide 22:

The key to understanding some of this is that your children are not alone. At the same time that we have this whole group of children appearing with Autism/PDD which do not fit the classic profiles, what we also have is a discussion in the pediatric literature, in the schools and in our learning areas about a new kind of disorder that’s been appearing. What they’re talking about are children that have weaknesses in higher order cognitive functions, who have school failure or who are learning disabled.

Now there’s a very important part to this. When I graduated medical school, and it was a pretty good medical school, UCLA, we were taught that there was a paradoxical group of children out there with Attention Deficit Disorder, as we called it then, who were hyper. If you could get them in their chairs, they were very bright. Nobody talked about processing problems; nobody talked about higher order cognitive dysfunction. If you could get that kid in their seat, they were bright. Now what you have are a large number of children who are being thought of as having cognitive problems. A favorite term out there right now is Executive Dysfunction. These children are unable to focus their attention, but they’re not a hyperactive, hyperkinetic child bouncing of the walls. They’re often described as passive learners. They just kind of sit there.

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